Saturday, September 14, 2019

On the Fact that Even Avowed Leftists Like Rahm Emanuel and Bill Maher Are Saying that These Democratic Presidential Candidates Have Gone Completely Off the Rails (Maher Even Referring to this Hard Shift to the Left as a "Cancer") and that Unless They Rein the Bullshit In, Trump Will Probably Get Reelected

Yeah, these debates are almost turning into a self-parody with each person on that stage trying to out-crazy the others and unless they start to moderate a little, whoever survives this literal shit-show to become the nominee is going to have an extremely challenging go of it in the general attempting to convince the voters of their sanity. Right now, I don't think that it's possible and so, yeah, you can probably expect a lot more talk of open borders, illegals, minors, and felons voting, getting rid of the electoral college, etc., etc...…..Winning through the back door, in other words. They're good at that.

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