Sunday, August 18, 2019

On Keeping Guns Out of the Hands of the Mentally Ill

Yeah, it sounds good but what folks have to realize is that there are literally MILLIONS of people in this country with a diagnosis of mental illness (ranging from mild anxiety all the way to schizoid affective disorder) and to deny a basic constitutional right to all of them seems a bit draconian (especially when there's not a lot of evidence to say that mental illness correlates with violent behavior). Maybe if it can be shown that a specific individual with a specific diagnosis is a threat to others we can consider it (along with due process of course) but beyond that it seems a bit dicey to me...…………………………………………………………………………………..P.S. A law like this could also dissuade people from seeking psychological help due to a fear that it might result in a loss of their gun-rights...….which would make matters worse for everybody. 

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