Friday, July 26, 2019

On Rand Paul Saying that He Was Down with the First Responder's Bill but that He Wanted to Pay for it with Offsets Somewhere Else In this Gigantic Budget of Ours, a Seemingly Rational Position and Yet He Was Blasted for it by All the Usual Suspects; Idiot Celebrities, Media Douche-Bags, Jerkoff Politicians, etc.

We can't continue to print and borrow money like this. Yes, we need to care for these folks but to try and say that there is NOTHING in the budget which we could cut to pay for it IS LUDICROUS . How 'bout we all roll our sleeves up and find something...……...for the first responders...………………………………………………………..P.S. This is exactly why policy shouldn't be decided upon when emotions are running amok. It hinders critical thinking and we end up with costly and foolish results, kinda' like this. Think, people, think!

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