Monday, July 15, 2019

On Jackass Presidential Candidate, Beto O'Dork, Recently Referring to the U.S. as a "Racist Hellscape"

First off, if the POS truly believes that, shouldn't he be trying to convince all of these minorities from Latin America, the Middle-East, and Africa who are currently risking life and limb to come to the U.S. that perhaps America isn't for them? And a racist hellscape? Really, the first people (i.e., white Europeans) to eliminate slavery and who are presently allowing their countries to be overrun with poor, illiterate third-worlders (many of whom apparently hate white people, make zero effort to assimilate, etc.)? Oh yeah, that's totally fair - NOT!!……………………………………………………………………...P.S. And, yes, if this O'Dork buffoon truly wanted to witness a racist hellscape he would traipse his ass on over to Libya where they actually have slavery TODAY (courtesy of Hillary and Barack)…...but being that the slant doesn't, yeah, no.

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