Wednesday, July 17, 2019

On the Fact that the Vast Majority of These Central American Migrants Are Coming form Communities that Probably Don't Have Running-Water or Electricity and Where They Don't Get Three Square-Meals a Day and, so, No, Being Housed In These Detention Facilities After They Have Flagrantly Violated Our Immigration Law Is More than Likely Not a Huge Imposition On Them and Certainly Not Something that We as Taxpayers Need to Feel Guilty About

Yet another example of these leftist morons failing to ask the most fundamental of questions, COMPARED TO WHAT (the fact that while, clearly, these facilities aren't exactly the Taj Mahal, they aren't exactly death-camps, either, and if anything they might be a modest upgrade to what they're used to)? I mean, I know that they love to create these utopian visions in their microscopic brains and all but at some point reality (not to mention, the concept of scarce resources) has to set in. Correct?

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