Friday, July 19, 2019

On the Fact that the Top 10% Wealthiest Families In America (and Please Keep In Mind that the Composition of that 10% Changes Every Year and that it Isn't a Static Category as Morons Like Bernie Sanders Apparently Believe) Are Worth About $60,000,000,000,000......and so, Yeah, if Kamala Harris Confiscated All of These Assets She Could Conceivably Fund Her Medicare-for-All Plan for 15 Years Without Taxing the Middle-Class - Quick Addendum

Another obvious problem is that this would be a one-off in that you can only impoverish a person once and no sane individuals would ever try to be wealthy again if the threat of government confiscation was hovering over them...……….And, no, I'm not suggesting that Ms. Harris has ever proposed this idea. I was just attempting to underscore the gravity of trying to fund this Medicare-for All plan of these leftists. That's it.

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