Monday, July 8, 2019

On the Fact that the Men's World Cup Soccer Events Are Expected to Generate 46 Times More Revenue than the Female Events ($6,000,000,000 Versus $131,000,000) and it Is Because of this that the Pay Differential Exists, Not Sexism -

Yeah, this is so basic and yet the SJWs simply can't get over their hurt feelings and absorb it. Pathetic, huh?...……………………………………………………………….P.S. I also believe that you have to look at the respective competence of the two teams. Yes, the women performed admirably, but they were performing against other females and if you don't think that that makes a difference, I cite the fact that these same gals played a team of 14 year-old boys in Dallas AND GOT DESTROYED (5-2). For the record.

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