Wednesday, July 10, 2019

On the Fact that Low-Brow Faux-Journalists Like Chris Cuomo, Rachel Maddow, and Don Lemon Have Gone from Calling the Chaotic Border Situation a "Manufactured Crisis" to Now Calling it a "Humanitarian Crisis" Caused Entirely by Trump

Every fucking story that these corrupt miscreants cover has to have an angle to it, and if the only way that they can accomplish this is by throwing honesty and nuance completely out the window they will gladly do so (in this instance completely absolving the Democrats of all possible blame - this despite their complete and total avoidance of all issues related to border security, the fact that they want to give these migrants not just amnesty but free shit up the ying-yang, etc.). I mean, just look at CNN for ten fucking minutes, for Christ. There's your damned proof, right there.

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