Thursday, July 11, 2019

On the Fact that if You're a Migrant from Guatemala and Seeking Political Asylum, You Need to Seek it First FROM MEXICO, You Don't Go Barreling Hundreds of Miles Through Mexico Just Because You Heard that the Brain-Dead Democrats of the U.S. Are Willing to Give You Not Just On the Spot Amnesty but a Whole Bunch of Free Shit Courtesy of the U.S. Taxpayers and a Federal Reserve Bank that Simply Can't Stop Churning-Out Funny-Money

I'm probably being a little too hard on these folks in that they're simply responding to the incentives that our idiot politicians have been providing them (and all because the Dems want permanent political hegemony) but, still, enough is enough already...………………………………………………………………………….P.S. And, yes, it's also important to point out that the vast percentage of those who are seeking asylum aren't the victims of political persecution but are rather economic migrants AND THAT DOESN'T QUALIFY YOU. Sorry but it doesn't...….And, besides do we really want the entire country to look like Santa Anna and Anaheim (two places where you never heard gunshots but now...…)? Seriously.

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