Thursday, July 4, 2019

On the Fact that Any Fair-Minded Person Who Goes to the Quillette Web-Site Would Probably Conclude that it's a Heterodox Platform Where if You Averaged All the Content it Would Probably Grade Out as, "Centrist", and yet You Have These Idiotic and Delusional Buffoons Like Antifa Attempting to Convince the Public that Not Only Is it a Far-Right Website but a Dangerous One In Which it Is AOK to Violently Attack Their Journalists

I truly believe that we've reached a tipping-point with these assholes (attacking a journalist for simply doing his job). I mean, do you really think that the American public is going to stand for this bullshit; an obvious criminal organization going around beating the shit out of everyone to the right of Bernie Sanders and justifying it by saying that they're fighting fascism? I don't think so. And, yeah, the media has to get this message loud and clear, too. No more defending this idiocy, not even a little......'cause the bear that they keep prodding, he's had enough.

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