Friday, June 7, 2019

On President Trump Hammering CNN In a Recent Tweet and the Network's Low IQ Buffoon, Chris Cuomo, Responding by Proclaiming that We've Never Had a President this Despotic Before (Apparently Unaware that Lincoln, Wilson, FDR, LBJ, Nixon, and Even Obama Have Executed Far More Egregious Acts than Trump; Shutting Down Newspapers, Jailing Journalists, Interning and Racially Profiling Citizens, Imprisoning and Deporting Protesters, Using the I.R.S. and F.B.I. as Weapons, etc.)

I know that I should be used to this type of hyperbole and propaganda coming from the likes of morons such as Cuomo but, honestly, unless we counter this bullshit and counter it consistently, a bad place is just around the corner and it will make Trump look like Mother Theresa, trust me (I, unlike Cuomo, have actually cracked a history book or two).

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