Wednesday, June 5, 2019

On Paul Manafort Being Shipped Off to Riker's Island, a Place Where New York Warehouses Some of its Most Violent Criminals

Yeah, I guess that it simply wasn't enough to bankrupt the dude and keep him in solitary confinement for a year...….That and you have to also remember here that the F.B.I. had already looked into this case years ago and decided not to press charges at the time MEANING that Mr. Mueller and Mr. Weissman were clearly engaging in a political prosecution (with Manafort working for Trump being the actual offense). And why in the hell didn't they go after the Podesta boys (yes, a rhetorical question)? They were doing a lot of the same shit as Manafort and nobody has laid so much as a glove on these cork-soakers. Politically connected, anybody?

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