Monday, June 3, 2019

On Mr. Mueller Claiming that He Wishes Not to Testify and Not a Peep from the Same Hard-Core Leftists In Congress and the Media Who Wanted to Drag Bill Barr to the House In Handcuffs and Jail the Poor Bastard In the Basement Because He Didn't Want to Participate In Their Dog-and-Pony-Show

I suspect that there was probably some sort of deal here; Mueller agreeing to give the Dems some red-meat above and beyond his report in exchange for him not having to testify. The only problem of course is that the Republicans still control the Senate and they can subpoena him if they choose. We'll just have to see if Lindsey Graham has the balls to do so (the fact that he's been deferential to Mueller at times and may not have the stomach for a confrontation with the guy).

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