Sunday, June 16, 2019

On Former F.B.I. Deputy Director, Andrew McCabe (Dumb as a Fucking Stump), Going On CNN the Other Night and Saying that it Is Never Appropriate for a Political Candidate to Accept Information from the Russians In that They Are Our Enemy (I Don't Recall the Obama Administration Ever Citing Russia as an Enemy but that Was Before Mrs. Clinton Lost, I Guess)

Does not this imbecile realize that he essentially threw Mrs. Clinton under the bus in that it was her, and only her, who accepted dirt from the Russians in the form of that moronic piss dossier? He obviously didn't think it through (and how is his lawyer allowing him to talk like this?) and it wouldn't surprise me one iota if the dude ends up getting Arkancided. I mean, others have for much, much less, right?

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