Saturday, June 8, 2019

On the Fact that One of Mueller's Principal Informants During this Entire Russia Probe Was Some Miscreant by the Name of George Nader and, Guess What, Folks, the POS Just Got Arrested for Transporting Child Pornography -

That's bad enough but I've also learned that the indictment was sealed for over a year so that the Mueller team could use this pervert in their witch-hunt. Great to have priorities, huh?...…………………………………………………………………...P.S. And, yes, the media is of course emphasizing Nader's association with Trump (I guess that he was part of the campaign in some capacity) but they had better be careful with that in there are plenty of pictures of Nader with Bill Clinton......and being that the Clintons already have ties to Jeffrey Epstein and Laura Silsby, yeah, they just might want to take a pass on this one.

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