Sunday, June 9, 2019

On the Fact that the Mainstream Media Is Clearly Putting Pressure On These Huge Tech Companies to Punish and/or Completely Destroy the Smaller, More Independent News Sites Because a) They Don't Want Any Competition and b) They Want to Make as Certain as Possible that Trump Doesn't Get Reelected (the Likelihood that a Second Trump Term Could Mean Prison-Time for a Shitload of Their Friends and Possibly Even for Them)

And they're being fully indiscriminate about it in that they're targeting everyone from the nonpolitical Philip DeFranco to the center-right Dave Rubin to the neocon Ben Shapiro to the alt-light Paul Joseph Watson to the alt-right Jean Francois Garipy. Essentially anyone who doesn't follow the increasingly retarded and unhinged far-left narrative, in other words. Hopefully a solution something short of government regulation can be arrived at here but being that the stakes are so high on both sides, yeah, I'm skeptical at this point. Sadly.

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