Saturday, June 22, 2019

On the Fact that Chicken-Hawks Like Ben Shapiro and Brett Stephens Apparently Think that it Is OK to Murder Hundreds of People (Possibly Starting a World War In the Process) Simply Because the Iranians Shot Down an Unmanned Craft that May or May Not Have Been In Their Air-Space

These are madmen who clearly care more about Israel (and, no, I'm not an anti-Zionist - I just don't think that our interests are necessarily theirs 100% of the time, that's all) than they do the U.S. and we really need to begin marginalizing 'em for this (I for one haven't listened to a Shapiro podcast for months and you couldn't get me to read a Brett Stephens column for anything). ASAP...…in that one more stupid war just might do us in.

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