Sunday, June 23, 2019

On Elizabeth Warrens Newest Rube Goldberg Scheme Being a Wealth Tax (Stealing, In Other Words) of 2% On All Net Worth Over $50,000,000

My prediction, thousands and thousands of people with a reported net-worth of $49,999,999.99 (the fact that rich people tend to be smarter than politicians and will more than likely be able to restructure things in a manner where the impact will be modest - just like they do with the income tax code, etc.). And even if the government was able to secure the maximum amount, what these idiot politicians have to realize is that a lot of a wealthy person's net worth is often tied up in property, capital, and business ventures......and that in order to pay for this tax they may ultimately have to sell off items that are beneficial to the economy (enter the law of unintended consequences YET AGAIN)…...and who in his right mind would want that to happen?

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