Sunday, May 19, 2019

On Some Lowbrow Identitarian Slant with the Moniker of "Akilah Obviously" Proclaiming that, Not Only Is it OK to "Punch a Nazi", it's Also OK to Punch Anybody Who Thinks that Nazis Should Have Free Speech -

Yeah, one of these days these morons are going to miscalculate (either by confronting the wrong people or misjudging the odds) and when they do, trust me, it is going to end very badly for them. Hopefully an adult or two will intervene at some juncture and teach these slugs about the Bill of Rights, but until that happens, dicey, very dicey...………………………………………………………………..P.S. And, yes, where in the hell are the YouTube moderators on this dumb video? I mean, this is a literal call to violence, no (not that I'm advocating that it be removed, mind you - I'm simply pointing to YouTube's double-standard)?

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