Thursday, May 16, 2019

On the Fact that Those Low-Wage, Low-IQ Click-Bait Idiots at Buzzfeed (Please Stop Laughing, There's More) Are Apparently Trying to Slime Yet Another Underaged Person Simply for Having a Dissident Political View (i.e., a Non-Brain-Diseased Leftist One) -

Yeah, I guess that trying to destroy the lives of those Covington Catholic kids simply didn't satiate them. A pity, huh?...……………………………………………………………………..P.S. And, yes, I went to the YouTube page of the 14 year-old youngster in question and it was fine; some right-leaning satire that was pro free speech and anti-PC......and only extreme in the mind of a snowflake moron (AKA Buzzfeed stooge).

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