Tuesday, May 7, 2019

On the Fact that Some Mouth-Breathing Mob of Delusional Students at Hofstra University (Probably Having Been Gas-Lit by Their Post-Modern Professors Into Some Comic-Book "Analysis" of History but I Digress) Is Apparently Trying to Get a Statue of Thomas Jefferson Removed from Their Campus

Did I not predict this (i.e., that these a-holes wouldn't be happy just to take down statues of Stonewall Jackson and Jefferson Davis and that they would soon turn to Madison, Jefferson, Washington, Monroe, etc.)? And what's the next target here, Thanksgiving, because it pisses off Native-Americans? Yeah, we really need to put an end to this lunacy...……………………………………………………….P.S. And, yes, I get it that Hofstra is a private institution and so they can do whatever they want. I just hope that the administrators stand strong and maybe try to give a more nuanced picture of Jefferson's career (all the way back to his work in the House of Burgesses where he supported anti-slavery measures), that's all.

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