Monday, May 20, 2019

On the Fact that (as Far as I'm Aware) There Are No Laws In Germany and France Which Make it Illegal to Question the Armenian, Cambodian, Guatemalan, Ukrainian, or Kurdish Genocides but There Are Plenty of Laws Which Can Put You In Prison for Questioning THE Holocaust (and that Includes ANY Aspect of it)

And of the millions and millions of people who are fully aware of this inconsistency, not a single one has had the brass-balls to go on a major network in a major Western country to point it out. NOT ONE. Pretty pathetic, huh?...………………………………………………………………..P.S. And how in the hell does this even help the Jews? I mean, seriously, does this not fit to a tee the stereotype of Jews controlling all aspects of life? Yeah, I really think that they need to think this one through a bit more. Sorry but, yeah.

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