Monday, April 29, 2019

On Penn Law School Professor, Amy Wax, Going on Glenn Loury's Podcast, Putting Forth a Cogent and Persuasive Argument for the College Mismatch Theory (Which Argues that Affirmative Action Often Places Minorites at Colleges Where They're Ill-Equipped to Succeed), and, gee, What a Huge Shock, Immediately Getting Roasted by a Drooling Pack of SJWs Whose Solitary Goal Seems to Be Ruining Her Life

Thankfully she's refusing to bow to this outrage mob, and that's the key. I mean, yeah, if after an adequate amount of reflection, you perceive that you've erred, apologize for it. Not a problem. But never, ever give in to the mob in that a) they won't appreciate or accept your contrition and b) it will just encourage them towards additional terrorist demands. Stay strong, that's my advice. 

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