Monday, April 1, 2019

On My Sneaking Suspicion that Special Counsel (AKA Surveillance-State Fiend), Robert Mueller, Probably Knew Pretty Early On that the Russian Collusion Story Was a Steaming Pile of Bullshit (the Strzok/Page Texts Alone In Which The Two Talked About There Being "No Big There There" Should have Been a Monstrous Red-Flag) and that He Only Kept the Thing Going Because He Wanted to Tarnish Trump for 2020

Seems like the most plausible explanation, no?...………………………………………………………………………..P.S. And how 'bout these media jerks (half of them doubling down on this collusion delusion and the other half trying to justify their partisan idiocy by, yep, you got it, blaming it all on Trump; his tone, etc.)? Can they possibly go any lower?......Probably, huh?

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