Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Some Troubling Aspects Pertaining to the Seth Rich Murder

a) The fact that they've never released the autopsy, ballistic, or toxicology reports. b) The fact that they've never released the police body-cam videos. c) The fact that a lookout was never provided by the arriving cops at the scene (the fact that Mr. Rich was reportedly conscious when the cops arrived and would have surely given a description of the assailant). d) The fact that no items were taken from Mr. Rich (kind of the point of a robbery, no?). e) The fact that there are hundreds of thousands of dollars in reward cash and no one has seemingly come forward (street criminals would sell their mothers for that sort of cash and still, no leads). f) The fact that John Podesta emailed an associate saying that he would be willing to make an example out of a suspected leaker even if there was no evidence for it. g) The fact that the corporate media hasn't covered this story AT ALL (Hannity tried and got threatened)…...almost as if they're covering for somebody. h) The fact that there are at least a dozen street cameras where Mr. Rich was gunned down and none of this footage has been released, either. i) The fact that a person's place of employment is one of the key places to examine in a murder mystery and it apparently hasn't happened. j) The fact that Seth's parents were all gun-ho about finding their son's murderer but suddenly became much more subdued when that slimy DNC official magically became their spokesperson. k) The strong tendency for robbers to rob and killers to kill. And l) the fact that Kim Dotcom has offered on numerous occasions to provide testimony under oath and each time the fellow has been rebuffed...……….There are probably other things but this is a decent start, wouldn't you say?

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