Friday, March 1, 2019

On the Deranged Psychopaths Who Penned the Fascistic Green New Deal Putting In a Provision that Would Have Paid People Who Are Unwilling to Work, Lying About Doing so Afterwards, and Then Awkwardly Spinning Once the Way-Back Machine Busted Them On it -

These are dangerous fucks, people, very dangerous fucks (the fact that no modern, industrialized nation can remain prosperous on windmills, solar farms, and ethanol, ESPECIALLY if you also want to do away with the lower carbon reliables like hydro, nuclear, and natural gas - IT CAN'T BE DONE!!). And they have to be stopped, 'cause I don't know about you folks, but I don't want to scrounging out of the trash for my next meal anytime soon. HELL NO!

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