Thursday, February 7, 2019

On the Fact that (per the Tax Foundation) the Top 1% of Income-Earners Makes 19.7% of All Gross Adjusted Income and Doles-Out 37.3% of All Federal Income Taxes (an Effective Rate of Nearly 27%) - this While the Bottom 50% Makes 11.6% of All Gross Income and Pays 3% of All Federal Income Taxes (an Effective Rate of 3.7%)

You have these idiot leftists (Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, that Brain-Dead Socialist Bimbo from New York, etc.) constantly going around saying that the rich need to pay their fair-share but they never, EVER, inform us of what these above-numbers SHOULD BE. I mean, yeah, they casually throw around ludicrous numbers of what the top tax rate should be (70, 80, and 90% I've heard bandied about) but as I've demonstrated countless times there actually exists an inverse correlation between the top tax rate and per-capita revenue (the fact that the rich will shelter their cash, invest differently, work/invest less, etc.) and so of course the numbers in the heading are an infinitely more useful barometer. Of course it would be nice if the media pressed these dullards a bit more as to the specifics but being that they themselves are morons and biased to the bloody core, it's probably up to use, folks. All up to us.

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