Wednesday, February 6, 2019

On the Fact that Independent Presidential Candidate, Howard Schultz (of Starbucks Fame), Has Hammered the Radical Leftist Democrats More In the Last Several Days than the Idiotic and Cowardly Republicans (the Mitch McConnells and Paul Ryans of the World) Have In the Past Two Years

Yes, the Republicans shifted to the right in 2010 and stayed there for a spell (prompted by the Tea Party folks) but lately they've been following the Democrats leftward to the point where the Democratic party has essentially become a socialist outfit and the Republicans a soft progressive pile of cucks. This and all the while the debt keeps growing...….Pretty pathetic, huh?.................................……………………........................…......As for Mr. Starbucks, I will absolutely consider him and, yes, if it's between him, Trump, and Kamala Harris, I might even vote for the guy (especially if the Libertarians nominate some bozo like Bill Weld)!

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