Saturday, January 12, 2019

On the Fact that the New York Times and Others In the Liberal Establishment Apparently Didn't Have a Problem In 1942 When FDR Rounded Up 120,000 Japanese-Americans (Most of Them U.S. Citizens), Pilfered Their Property and Possessions, and Pile-Drove Them Into Internment Camps for the Duration of the War -

And now that same paper is condemning President Trump for detaining illegal aliens at the border by comparing it to the very atrocity that they had once defended. You can't make this shit up, folks, you just can't!...………………………………………………………………………….P.S. And, yes, the fact that they're even comparing the two events is absurd. a) The people that FDR had interned were here legally and b) Trump's policy at the border hasn't been all that different from Obama's (remember those 2014 images?). They just hate Trump, that's all.

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