Saturday, December 1, 2018

On CNN Firing Marc LaMont Hill for His Buffoonish U.N. Speech In Which the Moron Justified Palestinian Violence and Rallied for "a Free Palestine from the River to the Sea" (the Same Words that Hamas Consistently Uses and Which OBVIOUSLY Means an End to the Jewish State) -

First off, how fucking low-brow do you have to be to get shit-canned from such a rump outfit as CNN (the fact that there are seemingly no standards over there at least in terms of pushing to the left and so for Mr. Hill to get bounced from that shithole is quite an accomplishment)? But even beyond that, to essentially call for the destruction of Jewish state - of course you're gonna get hammered from all angles, for Christ (and, yes, this is coming from an individual who's criticized Israel a fair amount over the past several years)………………………………………………………………….Needless to say, all of the usual suspects came out to defend this douche-bag (the HuffPos of the world) via their spin-machine; saying that he was simply pushing for "Palestinian rights" when anybody with a pulse knows exactly what those Hamas-sponsored words mean. Thankfully CNN did put forth a rare display of courage by deep-sixing this ass but just like Madame Spivey stated in "Requiem for a Heavyweight", they still have a whole regiment of 'em… don't worry.

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