Thursday, November 15, 2018

On the Number of Times that the Legacy Media Used the Term, "Constitutional Crisis", During the Obama Presidency

0 - that ring a bell (this despite the fact that Obama gave us DACA with just a stroke of his pen, altered the Affordable Care Act without Congressional oversight, obliterated the most functional country in Africa over total horseshit, etc.)?...…………………………………………………………..P.S. And, no, I'm not saying that Trump hasn't overstepped on some shit or that the dude doesn't possess too much power. I'm only trying to say that we need to look at his actions in context to what his predecessors have also done......and that when you do so, you'd have to conclude that fellows like Adams, Jackson, Lincoln, Wilson, the two Roosevelts, LBJ, Nixon, the two Bushes, and, yes, even Obama were every bit as abusive of their power as President Trump has been and in some cases worse (Lincoln, Wilson, and FDR especially), that's all. 

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