Monday, November 12, 2018

On My Overwhelming Suspicion that a Lot of These Insular White Leftists (Joy Behar, Chris Cuomo, and Nancy Pelosi, for Example) Who Are Seemingly Cheering On Their Own Demographic Demise Will Ultimately Be Singing a Different Tune Once this Much Touted (but Almost Always Destructive; South Africa, Iraq, Sri Lanka, Yugoslavia, Nigeria, etc.) Multicultural Experiment Starts to Encroach On Their Own Little Apartheid-Like Enclaves In the Suburbs

Yep, the classic, "Diversity for Thee but Not for Me" philosophy and I'm pretty sure that it will continue to play out until it can't play out any longer. Stay tuned (though, yes, in the mean-time you might want to check out the work of researcher, Ryan Enos, in that he more than anyone maps out the theory quite well).

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