Friday, November 9, 2018

On the Failure of Radical Environmentalists to Come to Grips with the Environmental Devastation that Was Brought About by Years of Collectivism In the the Former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe; Rivers Catching On Fire, Forests Turning Into Deserts, Floating Islands of Human Shit, the Worst Air Quality On the Planet, Massive Sinkholes Caused by Over-Mining, etc.

Yeah, what these morons have to realize is that the best policy for the environment is one in which private property rights are enforced and respected (the logic of course being that when an individual owns something, they are far more likely to take care of it than when the state owns it). I mean, I get it that this philosophy goes full-throttle against their hard-wired anticapitalist bias but if they really and truly care about what they portend to, they have to at least consider it, no?

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