Monday, November 19, 2018

On the Fact that While I Certainly Wasn't Pleased with How the Republicans Handled the Merrick Garland Situation (They Should Have at Least Given the Man a Hearing), at Least They Didn't Try and Destroy Mr. Garland and His Family with a Bunch of Preposterous and Fully Uncorroborated Accusations that Anyone with an IQ of over 90 Should Have Been Able to See Through

So, yeah, as crappy as the Republicans have been over the past several decades (the neocons, especially), right now, I gotta say that the Democrats are much worse. I mean, between this nastiness, their extremism on issues like abortion, gender identity, gun control, and immigration, their push towards socialism, the emphasis on identity politics, their attacks on free speech, their creation of rights out of thin air, and their embracing of terrorist outfits like Antifa and Black Lives Matter, it's been a very tough pill for me to swallow (being that I was a Democrat for decades)…...and, so, yeah, #walkaway, I guess.

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