Saturday, November 10, 2018

On the Fact that We Currently Can't Send an Astronaut More than 400 Miles Above the Earth's Surface (Due to Radiation, etc.) but In 1969 We Were Somehow Able to Send Three Fellows In a Poorly Insulated Spacecraft On a 480,000 Mile Round-Trip to the Moon Where They a) Went Through 25,000 Miles of the Van Allen Radiation Belts Totally Unscathed, b) Landed a Secondary Unit On the Earth's Surface (Where They Proceeded to Hit Some Golf Balls and Tool Around On a Buggy - I Shit You Not), and c) Reunited this Secondary Unit with the Main Rocket with Total Perfection

Hate to say it but I'm really beginning to think that this whole moon-landing thing was staged (the harsh fact that it's the only technology in the history of the world that's gone backwards, the problem of radiation, etc.). And if you don't think that the government would lie about something like this, please recall that around this same time they had also lied about Vietnam and had concocted the beyond despicable Operation Northwoods. Yeah, I think that this was definitely in their wheel-house.

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