Thursday, November 29, 2018

On the Fact that John McCain and Victoria Nuland (What a Pair, Huh?) Repeatedly Attended Anti-Government/Anti-Russia Protests In Ukraine Just Prior to the N.A.T.O. and U.S. Backed Coup There and Gee, What a Surprise, Amongst the Folks On Our Side Were a Lot of the Same Neo-Nazi Factions that the C.I.A.'s Been Rubbing Elbows with FOR DECADES!! -

Don't you love it? You've got these leftists who label anyone to the right of Bernie Sanders, a Nazi, while simultaneously not seeming to give a rat's-ass that two of their gun-ho avatars (Obama and Clinton) were supporting, you know, legitimate NAZIS!!! I mean, that is irony on steroids, for Christ.

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