Saturday, November 10, 2018

On the Fact that Even Though John Adams, Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, and Even Barack Obama Were All Far More Brutal On the Press than President Trump Has Been (Lincoln Actually Going as Far as to Shut Down Hundreds of Newspapers), Media Shits Like Those Scoundrels at MSNBC and CNN Are Continuously Attempting to Portray Mr. Trump as Some Sort of Anti-Press Tyrant

Yeah, I think that it's probably a combination of ignorance (of history) and their all-out hatred of Trump that's producing these screeds...… and that maybe, just maybe, somebody (an adult, I'm thinking) really needs to sit these folks down and at least give them the basics (the two Alien and Sedition Acts, the jailing of Eugene V. Debs, etc.). It certainly can't hurt.

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