Monday, November 5, 2018

On the Fact that as Much as I Don't Trust the Republicans In D.C. (Their Neoconservative Impulses, Their Extremeness On Abortion, the Fact that They Talk a Good Game On Spending Reductions but Never Follow Through, etc.), the Thought of Literally Insane People Like Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, etc., etc. Running Things In the United States Congress is Just too Frightening to Ponder...……...and so While I Generally Do Prefer a Divided Government, Yeah, Maybe We Need to Take a Rain-Check this Time, I'm Just Sayin'

Hopefully the Democrats can rein the insanity in at some point and we can get back to our usual slow-burn politics of Reagan-O'Neill, Gingrich-Clinton, etc...…..'cause if it keeps going like this, it's not gonna end well. At all.

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