Saturday, November 24, 2018

On Andrea Mitchell (Supposedly a Reporter but More and More Acting Like an Editorial Jock and Hard-Core Partisan - Just Like the Rest of 'Em) Recently Calling Congressman and Intelligence Committee Chairman, Devin Nunes, "a Clown"

I've seen Mr. Nunes numerous times on Maria Bartiromo's weekend program and for the most part he comes across as a sober and professional person (if she had wanted to tar a Republican for laughs, Louis Gohmert would have been a much better choice but whatever). But just for the sake of argument let's stipulate that he is a clown. My next question of course would be; OK, the dude's a clown but what about Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff, that Socialist bimbo from New York, Jerry Nadler, Cory Booker, Chuckie Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Eric Swalwell, etc. - would you not concede that those folks are clowns as well? Granted, she probably wouldn't respond but you have to at least make these scoundrels uncomfortable, no?

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