Monday, October 29, 2018

On the Fact that a) the Three Major Architects of Modern Conservatism (Russell Kirk, Richard Weaver, and Robert Nisbet) Were All Exceedingly Anti-Militarist and Anti-Interventionist and b) it Really Wasn't Until the Bushes and the Neocon Miscreants Arrived On the Scene that the Foreign Policy Idiocy of the Right-Wing Significantly Took Over (Even Reagan - Who Did Expand Defense Spending - Was Judicious In His Use of Military Power)

And if you look at the fact that the Spanish-America War, the Philippine War, WW1, WW2, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War were all started by politicians on the left, the point becomes even more apparent...….Now if we could only get the Republicans to smoke the neocons, we'd have at least one sane party (relatively speaking).

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