Wednesday, October 10, 2018

On the Fact that Some Leftist Journalist Recently Proclaimed that Kavanaugh Had "Weaponized His Tears Like a Little Boy"

A couple of points here. a) Nobody would have ever have the balls to say that about a woman and if they did their career would be obliterated by a drooling and incoherent SJW goon-squad and b) THE FUCKING GUY WAS ACCUSED OF BEING A SERIAL GANG RAPIST AND SO OF COURSE HE WAS EMOTIONAL (and, yes, if he hadn't have acted so emotional they would have blitzkrieged him for that). Look, I get it, Kavanaugh was probably not the greatest option for the job but for the Dems to have vilified a well qualified jurist over such ludicrous accusations really ranks as one of the worst smear jobs in recent memory. Sorry but, yeah.

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