Monday, October 8, 2018

On the Fact that if Hispanics Voted 70% for Republicans, Republicans Would Be Against the Wall and Democrats Would Be for it

Yep, it's raw politics, both sides. Simple as that...……………………………………………………………………………….P.S. As for my position, I've definitely modified it from my previous libertarian open-borders stance and while I'm not so certain that the wall is the best way to slow the flood of illegals, I do believe that we need to rethink this whole immigration issue in that a) multiculturalism and diversity have been an abject failure (couple that with the fact that most studies on diversity have shown it to be a negative force regarding social cohesion), b) Hispanics as a group receive far more from the treasury than they put in, and c) we've already altered the demography far more than was originally promised by Teddy Kennedy and company in 1965. Time for a siesta, in other words (pun intended).

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