Tuesday, October 9, 2018

On the Fact that Astronaut, Scott Kelly, Recently Quoted Winston Churchill In a Tweet and Immediately Apologized for it When the SJW Mob Hammered Him for Having the Audacity to Quote a Bigoted White Male - Quick Addendum

I hate to admit it but this is actually one thing that I do agree with the SJWs on. The fact of the matter is that Churchill indeed was a war-criminal (his support of the concentration camps during the second Boer War, his illegal hunger blockade of Germany during and after WW1, his terror-bombing of civilians during WW2) and a bigoted man even for his era BUT THAT ISN'T THE POINT. The point is that Mr. Kelly is entitled to a differing opinion and he is in no way obligated to apologize to a crazed mob of slantheaded miscreants......and, yes, I really wish that he hadn't. Big time.

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