Wednesday, October 24, 2018

On the Fact that as Recently as 10 to 20 Years Ago, Democrats Such as Bill Clinton, Harry Reid, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Chuck Schumer Were Making Speeches On Illegal Immigration that Didn't Differ Markedly from Those that Trump's Been Making the Past Several Years and I Don't Seem to Recall Any of the Chowderheads On CNN or MSNBC Denigrating THEM as Xenophobes, Fear-Mongers, Racists, etc., I'm Just Sayin'

Part of it is that they simply hate Trump but I also believe that a lot of it has to do with the fact that a) the Dems see all of these third-world immigrants as potential constituents and b) the unions see them as a possible way to enhance their ranks (unions had previously opposed such immigration in that they saw it as a factor that was depressing wages). Whether they go full-throttle on this strategy will of course depend on their willingness to accept a potential backlash from the large swath of voters who perceive open-borders as a threat to national sovereignty. It should be interesting, huh?

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