Tuesday, October 30, 2018

On CNN Trying to Get the Rabbi of that Pittsburgh Synagogue Where the Shootings Took Place to Blame President Trump, Say that He Isn't Welcome In Pittsburgh, etc. and the Rabbi Not Taking the Obvious Bait and Being Completely Classy About the Entire Thing

We've unfortunately gotten to the point where every catastrophe is being used as an excuse by the dregs over at CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Boston Globe, Salon, Mother Jones, the L.A. Times, the Huffington Post, etc., etc. to foster yet another attempt to bring down the President. It's disgusting and there have to be at least a few sane individuals left in the legacy media (Jeff Greenfield has been making some cogent comments and so bully for him) to start reeling this idiocy in 'cause these incessant attacks are not good for anyone. They're not.

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