Wednesday, September 19, 2018

On the Fact that Kavanaugh's Accuser, Ms. Ford, Is Now Saying that She Refuses to Testify Until the F.B.I. Does an Investigation

It's ludicrous. a) It isn't an F.B.I. matter but rather something for the local police to investigate. b) The accusation itself is moot in that it is well past the statute of limitations. c) The woman seemingly can't remember key aspects of the event (where it took place, the year, how she got there, how many dudes were there, etc.) and so that's a fucking dead-end right there. And d) even if this crime did take place, it happened when Kavanaugh was a juvenile and so if he did get prosecuted when it happened, the results would have been sealed FOREVER. Look, I get it, we have to take a woman's claims seriously, but this has all the markings of a stall tactic and I'm pretty sure that the Democrats want to stretch this baby out until after the mid-terms when they might have the majority to deep-six ANY Trump nominee (with the upshot of that being two years of one 4 to 4 verdict after another). Yes, it's sleazy......but it's how these politicians roll nowadays. Get used to it.

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