Sunday, September 9, 2018

On the Fact that In the Demented Mind of Deep-State Apologist and Anti-White Huckster, Don Lemon, Those 15,000 Afrikaner Farm Families Aren't Moving to Russia Out of Fear that They Might Be Raped, Tortured, Murdered, and Dismembered Like the Thousands of Their Fellow Farmers but Rather Out of Bigotry

And this fellow is so blinded by racial hatred that he is willing to accept the word of South Africa's ANC government (one of the most corrupt on the planet) over that of Gregory Stanton and Genocide Watch. It doesn't get much worse than that...…………………………………………………………..P.S. And, no, neither does the schmuck understand the ramifications of the situation; namely, the strong likelihood that when these white farmers leave the land, it will quickly become fallow and the food supply will dry up resulting in famine. But, hey, as long as he has Apartheid (you know, that system which ended 24 years ago!!) to blame, it probably doesn't matter, I guess.

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