Saturday, September 1, 2018

On the Fact that In the 1960s, Ghana and South Korea Had Approximately the Same GDP Numbers and Now South Korea Is a Top 15 World Economy While Ghana Continues to Struggle Mightily (this Despite Copious Amounts of Western Aid)

Again (and as articulated brilliantly by Nicholas Wade and Gregory Clark in their most recent works), it more than likely has to do with the fact that the evolutionary forces of Africa promoted a culture of tribalism in which a) trust beyond one's kinship spheres failed to take hold, b) corruption became the norm, and c) delayed gratification as a trait never spread amongst the population. I mean, I get it that this isn't the most politically correct or sexiest explanation but at least there is SOME logic to it (you know, as opposed to that ludicrous colonialism excuse; Hong Kong having been colonized while Ethiopia wasn't, yada yada).

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