Wednesday, August 15, 2018

On What the Parasites and Henchmen of a Major Political Party Do When it Is Disclosed that Their Highly Corrupt Enterprise a) Colluded with Partisan Media Shits and b) Screwed Over One of Their Nominees by Rigging the Primaries to the Benefit of the Much More Establishment Candidate

Well if you're in the modern-day Democratic party, you engage in a sophisticated (albeit, comical) strategy of transference and misdirection by concocting some palpably ludicrous narrative that is was the the Republican nominee who did the real colluding...……...with the Russians, no less (with the only evidence being an examination of the server by partisan hacks and a bogus dossier that was bought and paid for by Democratic associates) and combine THAT with a two-year-long hissy-fit...….You act like a toddler, in other words.

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