Wednesday, August 1, 2018

On the Fact that Some Clown Over at NBC News Named Ben Collins Recently Came Out with an Elitist Hit-Piece In Which He Tried to Assert that Anybody Who's Concerned About the Possibility of Significant Pedophilia Taking Place In Hollywood and Washington D.C. Is a Right-Winger Who's Throwing Out Q-Anon Conspiracy Bullshit

Fine, then I'm a right-winger who's throwing out Q-Anon conspiracy bullshit (never mind the fact that I've long identified as a libertarian-leaning independent who hasn't voted Republican for President since 1988, who despises both parties for taking away our civil liberties and for getting us involved in one idiotic conflict after another, and who has said from day one that Q-anon is probably some twenty-something loser who lives in his mother's basement munching on Hot Pockets and astutely stating the obvious). Guilty as charged!!...………………………………………………………………………...And since when did this issue of pedophilia suddenly become a partisan issue? I mean, the last time that I checked Mark Foley and Denny Hastert were both Republicans......and tell me again why those two fucks got into trouble. Yeah, I thought so.

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